Self Assessment Form

You must complete the form below to be considered for The BLOC. Completed forms will be considered for BLOC. We will respond by email if your project meets the criteria in a timely manner.

If you are an individual and not a project, reach out using the “Contact Us” page and select “Onboarding Questions”.



One of the objectives/intentions of BLOC is to shine light on good projects and actors in this space. As such, any project is eligible to apply for BLOC membership. In addition to this, BLOC seeks to have a number of expert advisors who are prepared to contribute in their professional capacity. Read on as we guide you through the onboarding process.

Making Initial Contact

Interested parties are invited to contact us by utilizing the self assessment form at the top of this page. Upon successful completion of the self assessment form an email will be sent to onboarding on your behalf with the results. A representative from the onboarding subcommittee will reach out to answer any initial questions as well as establish whether you are a project looking to apply or an individual prepared to lend your expertise to BLOC as a panel of experts.

* For questions or follow-up on an application please utilize our Contact Us page and choose “Onboarding Questions”. 

The Application Process

STEP 1: Onboarding Officer Assignment
When you make initial contact you will be assigned an Onboarding Officer who is appointed to guide you through the whole process. They will initially send you a copy of the Constitution and any other contributing documents (i.e. By-Laws, Code of Conduct, etc) via email that you are required to review. To progress your application you are required to confirm that you have read and understood these documents in writing, either via Direct Message or return email.

STEP 2: Onboarding Video Call
Your Project will then be invited to join a Zoom call with the appointed Onboarding Officer. Your Project will be encouraged to have as many of the Principal Team Members on that call and at the very least the Project Lead.

During the call, you will be asked whether you have fully read, understood and are prepared to
abide by the Constitution and other documents that were sent in STEP 1. You will also have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have on BLOC.

The onboarding call is also an opportunity for the Onboarding Officer to get to know you and your Project better. With a very clear understanding of the onboarding process, the Onboarding Officer will be able to guide you through any concerns you may have that might make your Project ineligible to join, as well as provide support where possible to maximize a favorable outcome.

The final purpose of the onboarding call is to talk you through the next steps, including what will be expected within the audit process.

STEP 3: The Audit
Part of the onboarding process is a project audit that is carried out by BLOC auditing. This audit follows a set framework through which everything is considered, i.e. from the basic requirements (website, doxxing, roadmap, online presence), as well as tokenomics, total supply and withheld supply, project and team member wallets and more. Full details of this audit will be provided to you and a run through of the audit will be done during your onboarding call.

You will be asked to submit any and all relevant information via a pre-audit form which you will send directly to you after the interview. This information is treated in the strictest of confidence in line with BLOC’s privacy terms. BLOC’s Security Committee alone has access to this information for the sole purposes of the audit.

You may be contacted with follow up questions, as and when required. You will be notified directly by the BLOC auditing officer when they have completed the audit, as well as be given a copy of the audit results.

In the event that your Project does not pass the audit, you will be given guidance for the issues that have arisen. It is then up to your Project to make the required changes. You will be unable to re-apply for the audit for 3 months.

STEP 4: BLOC Board Meet and Greet
Once your Project has passed the audit, the next requirement is attendance at one of the regular BLOC Board Meetings, which are carried out via Zoom. The purpose of this is to allow all BLOC Board Members the opportunity to meet you, get to know your project on a more personal level, and also for them to introduce themselves to you.

STEP 5: The Vote
Once all previous steps are complete, a vote is put to all current BLOC Board Members as to whether your Project will be accepted into BLOC. The vote will run for 7 days. If your Project is not voted in, feedback will be provided to you by the Onboarding Officer, and you will be invited to re-apply in 3 months’ time. It is noted that most projects that have successfully completed all previous steps, including the BLOC Board meet and greet, are usually voted in.

STEP 6: The Disclosure Interview
The final requirement is for your Project to put forward a minimum of one team member (usually the project lead) and up to three other representatives of your project. These individuals will be invited to join in BLOC General Assembly discussions, participate in sub-committees, and more. These members are required to undergo a disclosure interview with the BLOC Security Officer to ensure that BLOC is protected in the event that either your Project (through the Audit) or an individual within your Project (through the disclosure interview) has not been honest and truthful within their statements. Any and all information disclosed during these interviews will thereafter be sealed and will not be shared with any other individual. In the event of something of concern arising during the disclosure interview, the Project’s eligibility may fall away in which case you will be invited to re-apply in 3 months’ time.

Participating in BLOC General Assembly and keeping your project membership current

All voted in projects are encouraged to also join sub-committees on a volunteer basis.

In order for projects to keep their membership current, they will be required to continue to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws and Code of Conduct, as well as be expected to make any and all disclosures required to the Security Officer as and when that project (or its team members) circumstances change. Member projects will be expected to participate in BLOC General Assembly calls at least once every 60 days. The project will also undergo periodic audits.